Week commencing 16th October 2017

Nordic Walking week commencing 16th October, 2017

Hi Walkers,

What a generous bunch of walkers we have at Walk2Fitness! We raised £160 from the Children In Need Countryfile Ramble on Saturday and from your kind donations. Thanks you all so much. It was perfect conditions for a walk and seeing all the autumn colours in the woods made it a real treat of a walk.

Our Woburn Pub Lunch was as good as always and seeing the Deer, Black Squirrels and Red Kites made it real nature walk. The Green Man is a fave of many of us and the lunches didn’t disappoint. A lovely morning, thanks for your company.

We had a great group attend the British Nordic Walking 10k Challenge in Black Park today and not only did our Walk2Fitness Walkers WIN the Fastest Team with Helen, Paul, and Howard clocking fab times, Paula won the overall Fastest British lady Champion 2017 again this year! What a great accomplishment by Paula and by all my walkers who came today and put in great performances. Well done everyone. Woohoo!


I’d like to welcome some new Nordic Walkers who completed their courses this week, they are: Anita, Robert, Jackie B, Sheila, Michelle, Wendy, Karen, Jo, David, Jacqui H, Lara, Sue and June. We look forward to seeing you all on our walks! If you’re in any doubt about which classes you should attend, just let me know and I’ll point you in the right direction. If you’d like to book onto any of the classes below, you can do this by going to the website, preferable by 8pm the night before. Well done to you all.


All evening classes – £5
Moderate & Gentle Plus – £5 or £4 if you have your own Poles
Striders & Gentle – £5
Super G – £10
Long Distance and Pop Up walks costs dependent on Distance.
Private Sessions: £12.50 – £15


1 = Striders (for the faster Nordic Walker, optional Hill running)
2 = Moderate (yet challenging)
3 = Gentle Plus (smidge slower than Moderate yet invigorating)
4 = Gentle (marginally slower than G+ class but energizing)
5 = HIT Nordic (High Intensity Training, Tough and exhilarating!)
6 = Super G (Very slow so extra care can be taken)



Monday 10am – Cranfield, Village Hall, Court Road, Cranfield (2 & 3)
Tuesday 8:45am – Ampthill Park, West Car Park (1)*
Tuesday 9am – Ampthill Park, West Car Park (4)*
Tuesday 10am – Ampthill Park, West car park (2) & (3)
Tuesday 11:45am – Super G – Ampthill Park, Hub car Park (6)*
Wednesday 10am – Rowney Warren, Sandy Lane, nr Shefford (2 & 3)*
Wednesday 6pm – Ampthill Park West Car Park (2)*
Thursday 10am – The Bedford Golf Club, Carnoustie Drive, Great Denham (2 & 3)
Thursday 6pm – HIT Returning in the spring.
Saturday 9am – Ampthill Park, West Car Park (4)*
Saturday 9:15am – Ampthill Park, West Car Park (1)*
Saturday 10am – Ampthill Park, West Car Park (2) & (3)
Saturday 11am – BEGINNERS COURSE, Final session.

Please go to the website www.walk2fitness.co.uk to view all the latest info and upcoming events and challenges. Book by 8pm the night prior to the walk you wish to attend.

Many thanks,
Pictures this week: Centre Parcs Circular, Woburn Pub Walk (Abbey in background), Countryfile Ramble, Countryfile Ramble, Black Park 10k Challenge.