Week commencing 1 July 2019

Nordic Walks commencing 1st July, 2019

Well done to Paula who again triumphed as First lady finisher at the British Nordic Walking 10K event in Wales today and getting a personal best time for this venue!  A fantastic win for our Paula who trains so hard for these events. Great job Paula. Woohoo! 

I’d like to welcome some new walkers who will be joining in our walks, they are: Kerry, Caroline, Bernadette, Helen, Holly, David, Jan, Miriam and Mary.  Welcome to our fun Nordic Walking groups!  All the very latest info regarding the walks will be on our website regarding changes or cancellations www.walk2fitness.co.uk

To all my walkers, please remember to bring water with you as it is easy to dehydrate when exercising outdoors.  Thanks. 

Unfortunately there is no HIIT class this week as I have a ticket to a show. Sorry HIIT guys. 

For my new walkers looking for Nordic Walking poles, check out https://nordicwalking.co.uk/products/2/ Feel free to ask me for advice on buying poles and also google the pair you want to get the best deal.  Also this site has options for light gloves which are good if you get sweaty hands and prevents slipping.  

11:15AM – This Wednesday we’re going to do a walk in Ampthill Town (paws needed) and afterwards we’ll sample the renowned coffee and yummy offerings of the new venue called Market Square. Gentle walkers welcome also. £5
Have a fantastic week everyone!
Many thanks,