Week commencing 9th December 2019

Nordic Walks commencing 9th December, 2019 

This week we have some chilly temps so make sure you are wrapped up!  As you know, 10 minutes into your walk your heart rate will have increased causing you to warm up; so layers are a great idea.   Layers trap heat keeping you warm but if you find you are getting too hot, you can remove a layer to be more comfortable.  If you’re wearing bulky tops and coats this will impede your technique as will thick gloves, so dress smart for your walks. Remember Nordic Walking is a full body workout so don’t over dress as if out on a little stroll in the countryside…..we mean business when we’re out and about, we take no prisoners! 

A reminder that this Monday morning at 9:30am at Cranfield Village Hall car park, June will be having a small Pop up craft sale. Come along prior to your usual Monday workout walk! 

Below you will see how to correctly strike the ground with your foot.  This is something that is important when Nordic Walking as it can mean all the difference with your comfort.  Getting this right is imperative to achieving the correct technique and it will lengthen your stride.  Striking the ground with a bent knee and/or flat foot can cause long term problems so please make sure you are rolling from your heel to toe.  Striking the ground with your heel first keeps the knee straight which is the correct technique.  Think about this the next time you’re out on your walk and make any necessary adjustments if needed.  I will be on hand from the 14th if you have any questions.