Week commencing 23th March 2020

Week 1

A different weekly email!   

  Hoping you are all okay and staying safe.  We have several Whats App groups going, there have been a few going a while and the Striders just set up one and i set up a main group for all walkers.   If you haven’t been added to a group and want to, please message me and I will add you. Alternatively if you have been added and you would prefer not to, just drop me a text and I’ll remedy this. Thanks.

These groups are great right now as we can keep in touch with our Nordic Walking friends which is especially needed in these times of isolation. 

What I will say is, it is great to get out and walk but please go where there aren’t many people and keep distances from each other.  Italy have just said they are stopping people walking outside, even solo walking because of the escalation out there….I hope that doesn’t happen here but if we can take extra care now, it will help tremendously.   

Take care all of you! 
