Nordic Walking is a technique where walking with poles enhances the normal human walking motion making it much more effective than normal walking.
The poles used in Nordic Walking have hand straps that when used in the correct manner will enable the walker to gain more from a walk in a shorter time.
- The poles help you use the upper body muscles in addition to the legs.
- The poles help to push you forward so you work harder but because the poles stabilise you it makes it feel easier! This is especially applicable on hills.
Anyone can do Nordic Walking, anywhere, and it does not require expensive equipment or clothing.
Do not confused Nordic Walking with trekking, hill walking or trail running as the poles are not planted in front of the walker. The technique is specific such as to increases the use of the upper body and provide stability.
Nordic Walking is a specific fitness technique and is one of the fastest growing fitness activities in the world. It is used by individuals, personal trainers, health clubs, physiotherapists, doctors and health promoters because it is highly effective, affordable and FUN!
The Nordic Walking technique must be learnt correctly in order to get the best from this activity. It is important to have instruction from a qualified instructor, only then will you be able to get the full benefit of this wonderful way of enjoying the fresh air, parks and countryside, while keeping fit.
Ensure your instructor can display the
Nordic Walking accredited instructor logo. And most important, enjoy it!